
LC Technology Solutions is a global leader in controlled and inert atmosphere gloveboxes and gas purification systems, solvent purification systems and laboratory high pressure gas purification systems.  LC Tech Senior Management has over 20 years industry experience which they have used to offer class leading products with many unique features.

LC 1 Glovebox

Their high quality glovebox systems provide a less than 1 part per million (ppm) environment for handling all of the most sensitive applications. Gloveboxes are used in a wide variety of applications including organic, inorganic, synthetic and electrochemical research. Other applications include semiconductor research, OLED manufacturing, inert gas/titanium welding, lithium battery research/manufacturing as well as pharmaceutical applications.

In addition to their line of gloveboxes, LC Technology Solutions offers a high quality cost effective and safe-to-use solvent purification system. They also offer a compact bench top solvent purifier that was specifically designed to fit onto a bench top or inside of a fume hood.

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