RISE – Correlative Raman Imaging and Scanning Electron Microscopy
World’s first fully-integrated Raman Imaging and Scanning Electron Microscopes
RISE Microscopy is a novel correlative microscopy technique that combines SEM and confocal Raman Imaging. Through RISE Microscopy ultra-structural surface properties can be linked to molecular compound information.
The RISE Microscope combines all features of a stand-alone SEM and the confocal Raman imaging microscope alpha300 within one instrument:
The Rise Technique
For RISE microscopy samples are automatically transferred from one measuring position to the other within the vacuum chamber of the SEM, streamlining the workflow and drastically improving the instrument’s ease of use.
RISE Key Features
Confocal Raman Microscopy:
- Confocal Raman Imaging with unprecedented performance in speed, sensitivity, and resolution
- Hyperspectral image generation with the information of a complete Raman spectrum at every image pixel
- Excellent diffraction limited lateral resolution of 200 – 300 nm
- Outstanding depth resolution ideally suited for 3D image generation and depth profiles
- Ultrahigh-throughput lens-based spectroscopic system for highest sensitivity and best performance in spectral resolution
- Ultra-fast Raman imaging option with only 0.76 ms integration time per spectrum
- Non-destructive imaging technique: no staining of fixation of the sample required
RISE Microscopy is suitable for
- For a Raman newcomer you will benefit from the ease-of-use and intuitive measurement procedure
- For an experienced user you will appreciate the exceptional correlative microscope performance with the advantage of both techniques in one instrument.
For those in the material science, nanotechnology, polymer science, geoscience, life science and pharmaceutical industries regardless of your field of work. RISE microscopy will empower you with its unique imaging capabilities.